Executive Committee & Its Powers

There shall be an Executive Committee for all the time in whom the management of the Association shall vest, and shall be consisting of:-

  • The President.
  • Imm. Past President (Ex-officio).
  • The Vice President/s.
  • Secretaries.
  • Treasurers.
  • Other Committee Members.

The election of the Executive Committee members shall be as per the forms prescribed in the Bye-Laws / Rules and Regulation.
[A] The term of each Executive Committee member shall be Two years. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following members:

  •  President to be elected as per the regulations on this behalf.
  • 12 elected members as per the regulation on this behalf.
  • Immediate past President shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
  •  2 co-opted members as per the regulation on this behalf.

The number of members on the Executive Committee shall ordinarily be 12 but not more than 16 at any time during its tenure.

The Executive Committee shall have Powers to call more members, as invitees to its meeting but such invitees shall have no rights to vote at the meeting of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall have powers to invite any person or persons at a specific meeting of the Executive Committee for the purpose of the Association.

The Executive Committee for the reasons of conveyance and expediency and exigencies may transmit all delicate such of its power and authority to various office bearers and other members of Executive Committee or other members of the Association as may be necessary, for conducting the activities of Association on such terms and conditions it may deem fit. No resolution of the Executive Committee or its office bearers shall invalidate any prior acts of the Executive Committee performed.

The Executive Committee shall prepare standing orders after the adoption of these presents consisting of all directions given by earlier General Body Meeting or conventions established along with its rules and regulations for proper conduct and management which shall be in conformity with these presents and in the event of any conflict or inconsistencies, these presents shall prevail.

The 1st meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called within one month after the Annual General Body meeting to elect the following office bearers,

  1. Vice President/s.
  2. Treasurers.
  3. Secretaries.

The Executive Committee amongst its own members or from amongst other members of the Association shall appoint sub-committees for such purpose as the Executive Committee may deem necessary and make necessary rules and regulations at its discretion to conduct the business of such Sub-committees.

The Executive Committee shall be entitled to fill in all casual vacancies in the membership of the Executive Committee including vacancies arising out of members being elected as a President, provided however that such member shall be holding such office till the Annual General Body Meeting only.

In case of the office Vice Presidents, Treasurer or Secretaries falling vacant by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, the Executive Committee at its discretion shall appoint such office bearers who will hold their office up to the time of the next General Body Meeting only.

The Executive committee shall meet once each month or as often as necessary. Five (5) members are necessary to form a quorum provided that the meeting shall be convened by 4 days of clear notice. In case of urgency or at the discretion of the President or secretary, the Executive Committee shall have the power to pass the resolution by the circular. The resolution or the agenda will be circulated to the members present at the time in Mumbai and take such actions thereon as the majority of the members under their signature on the circular signifying the decision taken by the circular shall be ratified in the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

In the absence of the President, the Vice President/Secretaries shall have the power to call the meeting of the committee specifying venue, agenda by giving 4 days of clear notice. A special meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened on requisition by at least 1/3rd of the committee specifying items to be taken on the agenda of such meeting.

The Executive committee shall, from time to time, circulate the presentation to authorities and its results or other important decisions as deemed fit.

The President, or in his absence the Vice President, shall preside at all the meetings of the committee and in their absence, the members shall elect the chairman from amongst them to preside at the meeting.

All the matters submitted to the Executive Committee shall be decided by the vote of the majority. In the event of an equal number (tie) of the votes for or against, the chairman shall have the casting vote.
If a member of the Executive Committee remains absent for three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee then the Executive Committee at its discretion may remove him and appoint another member in his/her place provided that Executive Committee may permit the leave of absence to any of its members for any period due to any reason that it may deem fit.

[B] The Executive Committee shall have powers:

  • To acquire, purchase or take on hire or lease or exchange or sell, improve, manage, develop, mortgage, dispose of, turn into account or otherwise deal with lands or properties or buildings or any movable or immovable property, any rights, or privileges or covenant with all or assets, properties, movable or immovable or the rights of the Association for the purpose of the Association and also to construct alter, repair and maintain properties belonging to and subject to the regulations on this behalf and in the manner which shall be in no way inconsistent with the aims and objects of the Association.
  • To issue appeal for funds in furtherance of the objects of the Association, to receive or to give subscriptions, gifts, donations, deposits, loans, awards, etc. on such terms and conditions which shall in no way be inconsistent with aims and objects of the Association for the purpose of Association and to accept any gift, endowment or bequest made to the Association and to carry any trust attached to any such gifts, endowments, trust or bequest shall be accepted if they are not accompanied by conditions inconsistent or in conflict with aims, objects, rules and regulations of the Association or reduce the importance of the Association subject to the regulations made in this behalf and subject to the approval and direction of the general body of the Association.
  • To raise or give loan/s, borrow money and lend money for the purpose of the Association or to invest or otherwise deal with funds, assets and properties movable or immovable of the Association for the purpose of the Association subject to the rules and regulations in this behalf and to approval and direction of the general body of the Association.
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Become a member of Peata India

Peata is considered as a Knowledge Bank consisting of high-tech practicing professionals in the Building Industry. Our association is known for its mature and rational approach in the corridors of M.C.G.M. and U.D. Department, which can be relied upon to give correct assessment of the policies and its effects.

Ar. Pravin Kanekar
Past President