
The executive committee shall have right to appoint auditor/s, legal advisor/s or such professionals and consultants from time to time for the association and decide their fees, remuneration, and terms of appointment etc. as deem fit.

The executive committee shall have right to appoint paid staff as required for day to day management of the association, and decide their terms of appointments, salaries, allowances etc. from time to time.

The executive committee is empowered to remove the staff at its discreation and /or in accordance with the terms of appointment as will be framed by the executive committee from time to time.

The books of account of the association shall be kept at the registered /head office of the association in Mumbai only.

President & immediate past president:
the president of the association shall be elected by general body by ballot from amongst the members of the association , who have served on the executive committee for the minimum period of 4(four) years as its elected member.
The term of president shall be for TWO years and on expiry of his/her term and not otherwise he/she shall become the immediate past president and ex officio member of the executive committee, till next president is elected.
Immediate past president so retiring shall not be eligible for the reelection of any post of the association for further periods of FOUR years.
The elected president shall have powers to co-opt maximum two members who shall compulsorily retire at the holding of next annual general meeting. The names of the co-opted members shall be declared by the president either at the annual General Body Meeting or at first ensuing Executive Committee meeting and theit names shall be entered into the minutes. The co-opted members shall have all the right of the elected Executive members except to contest for any post of office bearer during their term.

Vice presidents:
He shall act as the president in the absence of the president. In the event of the post of the president falling vacant due to any reason whatsoever the vice president will act as the president for the remaining tem till next Annual General Body Meeting.

Treasurer :
Treasurer duly appointed by the Executive committee shall be in charge of the accounts and shall cause to keep tidy and correct account of expenditure, income etc. and shall collect the subscription and maintain accounts for all expenses as may be Executive Committee from time to time.

The secretaries shall in consultation with president fix agenda of the executive committee and of Annual, Special or requisition General Body Meetings and shall likewise fix the respective dates, venues etc. therof .The secretary/ies shall unless otherwise directed by the the Executive Committee shall prepare and keep proper minutes of the proceedings af all such meetings. The secretaries shall in consultation with the president look after the general administration & maintenance of the office of the association.

Trust & trustees:
The president and the secretaries of the association during their tenure shall act as the trusttes of the association for the purpose of Public Charitable Trust Act under which the association is registered.

It shall be open for General Body to accept trusts donation and bequest on recommendation of the Executive Committee. All such Trust donation and bequest on shall be accepted by the General Body on recommendation of the Executive Committee and separate account or its management shall be formulated if the condition of of such trust donation or bequests requires and if the General Body finds it fit to do so and may authorize the Executive Committee to accept and manage the same, subject to such conditions as have been accepted specifying the manner in which the affairs of such trust to be carried on so as to ensure the fulfillment of object of such trust donation or bequest and nominate the president and secretaries to act as trustees an the board of trustees along with other office – bearers or members of the association or others as trustees as the case may be subject to the condition that such acceptance of the trust shall not be inconsistent with the aims and objects of the association and is for the purpose of association.

Change in these presents:
The Executive Committee shall prepare proposal for alterations or amendments to any of these rules and regulations and or for framing of new rules and the same shall de approved by the General Body upon votes of 2/3rd majority of the members of the Association present at such General Body or Special General Body Meeting called for the purpose.

Winding up:
The Association shall not be dissolved except by the vote of 3/4th or 75% of the valid members on the roll of the Association present at the General Body Meeting called for the dissolution of the association; and shall be in accordance of the society Registration Act 1860, and its amendmens in force.

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Become a member of Peata India

Peata is considered as a Knowledge Bank consisting of high-tech practicing professionals in the Building Industry. Our association is known for its mature and rational approach in the corridors of M.C.G.M. and U.D. Department, which can be relied upon to give correct assessment of the policies and its effects.

Ar. Pravin Kanekar
Past President